Awards / Publications
Below are some of the awards I've been honored with along with some of the places my photos have been published. I am proud of them all and happy to be recognized.

Audubon Top 100 - 2024
I guess we can call this a hat trick. I thought I had a couple of strong contenders this year. I am happy to say that this one made the cut and was granted a spot in the 2024 Audubon Top 100.
Prairie Chickens

Audubon Top 100 - 2023
Bucking the every-other-year trend, I was happy to receive notice that I had made the Audubon Top 100 for 2023. Still working on winning, but it is good to have goals.
King Eider

Robert's Camera Gallery Night
I was totally caught off-guard when I arrived at the gallery. Not only did I make the cut, I was co-winner of first place in my category! Totally surprised I had even made it. The category was "yellow", and not a nature category.
Evening Grosbeak

Audubon Top 100 - 2022
Third time was not quite the charm, but I was still overjoyed to claim a spot in the Audubon Top 100. My image of a Brown Creeper made their cut for the 2022 Photography Awards.
Brown Creeper

Endangered Species Coalition
I was surprised to be contacted about one of my bat photos. I have always liked them and was happy to have a chance to have one published; especially for such a good cause. You can see it here!
Mexican Long-nosed Bat

Friends of Goose Pond Calender
I was pleased to have a photo selected for the Friends of Goose Pond 2021 calendar.
Bell's Vireo

Robert's Camera Gallery Night
I was fortunate, again, to have a photo selected for the 2021 Gallery Night hosted by Robert's Camera.
Red-winged Blackbird

Smithsonian Magazine POTD
Smithsonian Magazine picked one of my contest entries as the POTD on 11/12/2020. You can see it here!
White Ibis

Audubon Top 100 - 2020
I did not think that I would make it again, but my image of a pair of Greater Prairie Chickens fighting was selected as one of Audubon's Top 100 images submitted for their 2020 competition.
Greater Prairie Chicken

Robert's Camera Gallery Night
After missing the entry deadline last year, I was excited to have this Prothonotary Warbler selected for display in the 2020 Robert's Camera Gallery Night.
Prothonotary Warbler

Birds and Blooms Magazine
This American Goldfinch perched on a Redbud branch appeared in the April/May 2020 edition of Birds and Blooms Magazine.
American Goldfinch

Outdoor Photographer: POTD
My shot of an Anhinga was chosen as photo of the day by Outdoor Photographer Magazine.

Friends of Goose Pond Calendar
My shot of a LeConte's Sparrow was chosen for publication in the 2020 Friends of Goose Pond calendar for the month of October.
LeConte's Sparrow

Outdoor Photographer: POTD
My photo of a Fox Sparrow was chosen as photo of the day by Outdoor Photographer Magazine.
Fox Sparrow

Friends of Goose Pond Calendar
While Indiana may not be the best place for Milky Way shots, my photo of GP11N at Goose Pond was chosen for the cover of the 2019 calendar.
GP11N Milky Way

Friends of Goose Pond Calendar
This King Rail shot was chosen for publication in the 2019 Friends of Goose Pond calendar for the month of June.
King Rail

Robert's Camera Gallery Night
In 2018, my House Finch photo was chosen for display during their annual Gallery Night exhibition.
House Finch

Audubon Top 100 - 2018
In 2018, I was overjoyed to have my Sedge Wren photo chosen as a Top 100 image in the National Audubon Photography Awards competition.
Sedge Wren

Friends of Goose Pond Calendar
I was happy to have a photo chosen for publication in the 2018 Friends of Goose Pond calendar. It's great to help out an organization that supports such a awesome site in Indiana.
Henslow's Sparrow

Robert's Camera Gallery Night
In 2017, I was delighted to have my Short-eared Owl photo chosen for display during Robert's Camera annual Gallery Night exhibition.
Short-eared Owl

Friends of Goose Pond Calendar
In what I hope continues to be an annual experience, I had another photo chosen for publication in the 2017 Friends of Goose Pond calendar.
Bell's Vireo

Birds and Blooms Magazine
I was happy to have a photo published in the April/May 2017 edition of the magazine. I was even happier several months later when a nice woman tracked me down and asked to purchase a copy of the photo.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Project Feederwatch - Cardinalidae
In 2016, my Blue Grosbeack was also chosen as the People's Choice winner for the Cardinalidae category.
Blue Grosbeak

Friends of Goose Pond Calendar
My Blue Grosbeack was chosen for publication in the 2016 Friends of Goose Pond calendar.
Blue Grosbeak
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